Husband receives photo from his wife, then immediately wants a divorce


Chloe Baker

Chloe was a stunning, popular woman with a huge circle of acquaintances. Because of her large network, she was a welcome guest at fundraisers and other events. Because John had such a good job, Chloe didn’t have to work herself. She spent her time supporting charities. Thus she filled her days with something that was good for the world.

In addition, Chloe also took good care of herself. She loved going out, good food and shopping, which she preferred to do with friends. Chloe was known as a very sociable person and liked to strike up a conversation with everyone. Waiters, shop assistants and other unknown men sometimes mistook this for flirting. Chloe’s single friends were very happy about this because Chloe always referred these men to them.

That used to be different…

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